Written by: Kelly Chen
Smoking is wrong so I wonder why people smoke. I think smoking is wrong, because inside a cigarette there is poison and it slowly makes your body have problems. Second, it would make you have yellow teeth. I don't think you want yellow teeth forever? Lastly, I know you might die early. I know you want to live as long as you can to see more in your life. So, listen to me. I know I'm young, but sometimes you need to listen to young kids. I see a lot of people suffer from smoking. Do you want to suffer like them? PLEASE STOP!
I realize that smoking cigarettes can damage your body. It can make you sick, and I know you don't want to be sick. Research shows that if you smoke it can cause heart problems or any other sickness. I asked my teacher,Mrs.Jenkins and this is what she said "I think it's wrong, because it's harmful to your body. Another reason is that it can ruin your future and it does not make sense to me!" I think if my teacher said that, I think you should listen to me! She is my teacher and she knows that smoking is wrong. It's necessary to quit!
We don't realize that when we smoke you can get yellow teeth. We know you want a nice smile, but if you smoke you will have a worse smile. I hate to say this, but it's your fault! It's your fault, you made the decisions to smoke. I interviewed five kids and my little brother said, "Your body is not healthy when you smoke. It lets your teeth turn yellow, it makes you sick. It smells bad too!" He is my little brother and he knows that. You know how it makes me feel that a 5 year old knows how bad your decisions is, because you made the worst decision you can make! We can stop smoking so listen to me. If you don't listen to me you're going to regret it. So Please stop! You can quit smoking.
Lastly, you can die early. You don't believe me! Listen, in research it said that each cigarette can make you lose 2 minutes off your life if you keep smoking. If you smoke twice a day, in a week you will be smoking 14 cigarettes before you know it. Also, then you will be shortening your life by hours and hours. I met a man his name was Mr. Bell. He used to smoke, but he quit because he wanted to live a long enough life to see his child grow up and you know what he said "I knew I was strong enough to quit!" and so are you! If he can quit you can quit! He was a person who quit smoking and he is living fine. It is not too late to quit. So do it now! When we have time because you know what? Life is really short! So come on quit it's necessary!
Come on listen to me! I believe that smoking is truly wrong, because first, it can cause cancer. Second, it can cause yellow teeth. Lastly, you can die early. So I hope you stop smoking! Now you see my reasons. Your life is in your hands and I'm telling you something that can make you live a happy and not a miserable one! Your choice to have a long life. So stop now! It's the right thing to do. SO QUIT NOW! I BEG YOU!
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ReplyDeleteGreat job! When people read your post, they will think twice before they smoke again! I definitely don't want yellow teeth. Great points, keep up the great work!
ReplyDeleteKelly, your essay is well written and quite persuasive. You made great points and had research to support your writing. Heart disease is a major problem caused by smoking. Maybe your essay will help someone quit today!!!