Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dog Abuse


I believe Dog Abuse is wrong because a lot of dogs are getting killed . First, dog
mills are wrong ! Second, dogs get murdered, poor dogs! Lastly, dog adoption
should be more important! Dogs should be more respected, so please help me stop dog abuse . The population of murdered dogs will decrease I promise ! We can stop Dog Abuse by helping the ‘’ASPCA’’ fight Dog Abuse!
Dog Abuse wrong ! My first reason is that dog mills are wrong . According to my research, female dogs are kept in crude outdoor cages with no protection from rain, sweltering , heat, bitter cold, or biting wind .Dog mills are wrong , because it could cause dogs to have health problems for example , dogs have no food , no care , or even medicine while they’re in the mills . If dogs are left in cages with heat they will die and have brain damage because of the temperature around the cage. Dog Abuse is wrong !My second reason is that Dogs get murdered . Dogs get murdered because of negligent owners. In my research a 16 week old black lab puppy named Buddy in Mississippi was tortured and left for dead in a diaper box at a gas station .I have interviewed 1 person and she said ,‘’I think dog abuse is wrong because it is not fair to hurt animals that only wants to be loved. Sometimes when dogs get really sick and the owners does not want to take care of it , it causes dogs to die . Owners kill dogs because of their own childhood . The owners parents taught the owner to mistreat animals when the owner was a little kid .dogs should not be chained because they get abused ,neglected , and could even get murdered .According to this quote ‘’ Chains are for bikes ,not dogs.’’ People should stop chaining dogs .
Dog Abuse is wrong ! My third reason is that Dog Adoption should be important because people can esily say that they will take care of the dog , but really the people could be negligent .Dogs should have special care after they are adopted. The dogs are given to us and we should take good care of it .We are their parents and we have to treat them like our children.
In conclusion Dog Abuse should stop ,but do not take my word for it take the dogs sad voice. nYou are the ones who can make a change so we can stop dog abuse. You are the one who can take actionand stop once and for all dog abuse . Please help me complete this special mission.

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