Tuesday, January 4, 2011

You're Choice!

By: Tsering

I truly believe that smoking is wrong. So please quit it right now! First, you don't want to get sick! When you smoke adn then exhale out the smoke you give it to other people that are surrounding you and that is not fair! Lastly, why are you wasting so much money that you worked so hard to earn..on something that is not even good for you? And when you do smoke you could be losing 2 minutes of your life! So come on listen to me, this is your last chance!

I realize that smoking cigarettes can make you sick in many ways. For example, research shows that if you smoke it causes heart rate and blood pressure to increase. Research also shows that many people are getting sick, because some kids are stating to smoke just because they are curious. It is dangerous, why would you want to do something that is dangerous? Some kids want to act as if they are grown ups. Well if you think that smoking makes you look older or cooler, you are wrong! I interviewed my teacher Mrs.Jenkins and she said "Yes I think smoking is wrong because cigarettes are bad for your body and it shortens youre life!"

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