Written By: Kirby Jiang
I have always wondered why our ocean is polluted. I think you polluted the ocean. I have always wondered if our ocean could be so clean that you could see through it. I stoped polluting the ocean already will you stop polluting the ocean?! I think you should believe me because ocean pollution would cause a lot of damage to the animals! I believe that if you stop polluting the ocean it would be so clearthat it seems like the fish are sparkling under the water. I can help but if you don't help me the fish in the ocean would die because there is too much pollution. Second the seagulls in the sky would die too because the fish died and they have nothing to eat. The last reason is that the animals on land would die too because if you keep polluting the ocean the ocean might turn toxic and if the animals drink it they will get poisoned and then they will die.
I think it's so unfair that when people pollute the ocean fish die! It's not their fault that they died! How will you feel if that happned to your family? Imagine if your family had died because of ocean pollution then you would be poor. Most people think that when the wind blows their garbage away it's gone but it's not! It's important to do something about this because if we don't then all the fish will die and there will be no mre fish in the ocean anymore. Research shows that too many leaves and grass clippings can take the oxegen out of the ocean and suffocate the animals that need oxegen. Research also shows that the waste from our pets is harmfil to the animals that swim in the ocean because it has dangeras bacteria.
It's necessary to make a difference because the seagulls in the sky wildie from us because if we keep polluting the ocean we will kill the fish and the seagulls have nothing to eat! It's also because every time we go to the beach we don't see seagulls only a lot of trash . We don't realize that because we are just having a good time at the beach. What would happen if all the seagulls die and there would bo no more seagulls and the sky at the beach would be empty except clouds.
We should stop polluting the ocean because if we keep polluting the ocean it can get poisoned. If we keep polluting the ocean the animals on land that drink the water would become poisoned. If we want to save those animals then we and other people should stop polluting the ocean! Do you know anyone that would want to pollute the ocean just to kill the animals that drink the water. Imagine if all the animals on land would die and even the zoo animals will die because the water is poisoned! If there was no zoo animals little kids would be upset.
So that's why you should stop polluting the ocean. If you ever see somebody polluting the ocean tell them to pick it up or be nice and pick it up for them. Now that you know polluting in the ocean is wrong you should remember it and never pollute the ocean again or if you do a lot of animals will die in the ocean,in the sky,and on land. So if you ever pollute again almost every animal on land would die and when you want to explore and learn about animals you will never be able to do that. If you keep searching you won't find any. This is a free thing to change but it will cost energy. But if you don't want to waste energy you will be paying back to the animals one day. Also the trash will keep spreading around the ocean and even we will die. Do you want to kill this world?! Or do you want to save this world and have peace?! If you want to kill this world you are making the wrong choice. If you don't want to kill this world you are making the right choice.
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